Instructions for authors

Abstract submission for the Science and Youth Conference
The abstract should be limited to 250 words. Abbreviations in the title and in the abstract should be avoided. Abstracts should be written according to the following structure: Introduction, Aim, Materials and methods, Results and discussion, Conclusion. The abstract should be written in third person and should not contain figures or citations. At the same time, the abstract should present a well-written and comprehensive summary of the article. Between 2 and 5 key words (phrases) are added at the end of the abstract. Abstracts must be submitted in English. The authors indicate a preferred form of presentation. The organizers reserve the right to change it if necessary.

Requirements for oral presentation:
Presentations and e-posters can be presented in Bulgarian or English
1. Oral presentations: the duration of the presentation is 7 minutes and not more than 12 slides. The presentations must be informative and well-organized, following the general rules (not more than 8-10 lines of text on each slide, large enough font to be visible, not more than 2-3 font colors in the same slide). It is recommended to use the uploaded templates.

2. Posters: Posters should be 70/100 cm in size, well designed and with a large enough font size. In this form of presentation, emphasis should be placed on the results and conclusions of the study with a focus on the visual presentation of the information.

The best scientific works in each session will be awarded and the authors will receive a certificate from the Rector of MU-Plovdiv.

Requirements for publication of the full text materials

Each abstract, approved for participation in the “Science and Youth” Conference provides its authors with the right to publish a full-text article. All conference materials (abstracts and full-text articles) are published in English.
General requirements:
• The papers are submitted online to The file extension is .doc or .docx (A4 format).
Deadline – 20.05.2025
• The authors are entirely responsible for the authenticity of the information they provide as well as for the style and punctuation of the script.
• The participants must provide the following contact information after the article: address, telephone number and e-mail.

Original articles: up to 6 pages (including tables, figures and the accompanying text). Maximum number of references in the bibliography is 20. Mandatory structure: Introduction, Aim, Material and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion.

Reviews: up to 12 pages (including tables, figures and the accompanying text). Maximum number of references in the bibliography is 35. Mandatory structure: Introduction, Aim, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion.

Case reports: up to 4 pages (including tables, figures and the accompanying text). If photographs are used, the authors undertake to ensure that the identity of the reported patient will not be revealed! Maximum number of references in the bibliography is 15. Mandatory structure: Introduction, Actual presentation of the case, Discussion, Conclusion.

Technical requirements:
• File extension: *.doc or *.docx (MS Word 97-2003 or MS Word 2010);
• Font: Times New Roman or Calibri – 12 pt;
• Margins: top/bottom – 2.5 cm; left/right 3.15 cm;
• Line spacing: 1.5 lines
• The headline is not capitalized. Name and surname of the authors, affiliation (clinic/department, faculty, university, town) are indicated under the headline without abbreviations and titles
• Headline is placed under the illustration or above the table
• The page numbers must be indicated in the bottom right corner
• In the bibliography authors are listed by the order of citation
• Use Vancouver style for the bibliography list